I Want Skinny Sleep!
So! This pretty much sums it up!!! I, a mother who barely sleeps for more than five hours, am in serious need of SKINNY SLEEP!!!
Out with - beauty sleep (although I need that too...o.k. it is still in)
In with - skinny sleep.
I am wondering though if less than five hours would count as skinny sleep...
Bet not.
So from this day on, I am gonna experiment.
I will see if I get skinny on a six to eight hour sleep a night.
Check with me on the results...
After a century lol
Seriously, moms do barely get sleep every night.
Because that is the only time they can make things done- when the kids are asleep.
As for me, I sneak in afternoon naps.
I am lucky though if the phone does not make a sound in ten minutes (the kids are in school so they don't disturb my afternoon bliss) in which case I wake up, startled from my one-minute nap and can't get my sleeping groove back on again.
So, anyway, I am hopeful I can get enough sleep this vacay.
As long as I stay away from food.
Which is very hard...
My road to awesomeness is on hold.
Naka-holiday din haha
Sick Day Yet Again
I think I have the flu. I have sore throat and my eyes are burning behind their sockets. And the worst part is that Adrian is, too. When you are a mom, you forget about being sick because you think of your family first. He is excited pa naman over his Christmas Party...He was having rocking chills last night and high fever so I was not able to rest really well. The next day, I was informed he had wet poop. I was very worried. In July, he had amoebiasis. He was vomiting round the clock (seriously) for like five days and got mildly dehydrated. We were not able to know he had amoebiasis immediately because he hides when he poops and just calls me when he is done. And besides, he barely pooped. Just projectile vomited every time. This time though, we were able to do lab tests immediately because he was more than willing to give samples on account of his Christmas party and that I-have-to be-well-for-tomorrow's-party attitude.
I was shocked when he turned out positive with those entomoeba thingies. I try to be clean! I boil my already distilled water for 15 minutes! (It can last up to around 30 or so if I get engrossed writing a post and forget I am boiling something) He doesn't even eat left-overs! Most probably, it could be the water tank, but I pray there won't be a repeat of this. Unlike the first one, he is having high fevers and chills and he is pooping more than usual. I hope he is better tomorrow because he is sooo looking forward to his party.
Remember those times when as a mom you say "Lord, let it be me instead of him/her..." A lot of times I say this until my mom told me she used to say this about me, especially when I am having those terrible asthma attacks. One time, when I stayed home for almost a month when I was in my first year in high school because of flu and a flu relapse, she prayed this and she ended up sick with the flu a week after I got better.
So don't ever say that, mommies. Ask the Lord to heal our children and to make you strong because you are the primary caregiver. Di ba? How many times do you have to clean the sheets with poop and vomit in the middle of the night while hubby sleeps soundly? How many times did you have mastitis because you want to breastfeed your child? How many times have you taken a bath and smelled so fresh until the baby will burp or pee on you?
Hurray for mommies. By the way, I wrote a post about scents and how it can be a description of your perfect moment. Now that I think about it, the most wonderful smell in the whole wide world is Baby Smell! Seriously. They may have not taken a bath, have burped sour milk, pissed or pooped, but they smell oh so glorious! I just realized how wonderful baby smell is when I smelled Hailee (did I spell that right?). Hailee is my grand-daughter! Tama! I have an apo na. She is my niece's daughter. My niece just turned eighteen the day my dad died and we didn't even know she was pregnant (athough I suspected). anyway, thee good thing is that she did not do any harm to the baby and immediately was immersed into a responsible teen mommy. I hope she will be like that forever. She is also, by the way, a living lesson to my girls. I know they must have realized how hard it is to be a parent and won't even try to have kids until they are way in their forties (!!!). Anyway, I enjoy the baby.
Forlorn Friday
Don't mind me...I just realized this day sucked. Funny ano? I just realized it. Nothing specific made me feel it. Parang sobrang naawa lang ako sa sarili ko. I just felt bad that other people are making you look bad even if you are not (AFAIK) and that I am getting cheated of something that should be equal. And no matter how I try to ignore or be nice to everyone, people are judging me differently.
Forgive me for my drama...I am but just human. And oh, by the way, this is not about my home, because everything is fine. I really feel bad because people are thinking we are not making any effort, and you know, that big guy was right. It is not about how smart you are. It is how you are maabilidad.
But still, I think it is cheating. And though hard as I try to forget those mean things, I still feel bad. Because for some people, money is everything nga...And they move heaven and earth and destroy relationships just for it.
It sucks. And the worst part? They think they are doing. something perfectly...better than us. Had we been given a fair share, I would work hard for it.
Geez, so sick of everything na...I want to get out bad na...
On a funnier note, maybe The Vince was having a terrible day as I am.
Sige na nga. Friday the thirteenth kasi.
Kaya lang, dear Lord, don't make my everyday Friday the 13th naman. Make it their turn naman...
Ok, back to the funny...The Vince forgot that I was in the office and left without me!
My Gulay.
I had to call him.
"Saan ka?"
"Pauwi na.Saan ka ba?"
"Office. "
"P@#$a. Balik ako!"
Nicole gave me a massage today so that was one upside.
Downside...I am running out of cash. And I know I should have more had these people hayy di bale na nga.
Sugar Sync Getting Sour
Something happened as I was about to write this post about Dropbox.
So I am changing my Post Title to Sugar Sync Getting Sour.
(Goes Over To Delete My Original Post Title "MY DROPBOX CRISIS: AVERTED" to the one you visibly see now.)
I just read an e-mail that Sugar Sync will be transitioning to a paid service!
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I have Sugar Sync only because of Kindelirium.
Kindelirium is a group of Kindle lovers and owners who share Kindle love.
And that Kindle Love is massive!
Supporting a massive library...
Hosted by Sugar Sync.
We used Dropbox for a time. (I still use it though for all my files. And I pay for it annually.)
The problem with our Dropbox shared folder is that anyone can edit it.
Which means that once a member deletes a file, that deleted file will be shared, resulting in an empty file.
So I often found myself trying to restore deleted files (most of the times, other members do) while strongly berating new members that they should not sync the shared dropbox folder because the folder contains more storage than what is allowed in the free version. A lot of times, a new member panics when he sees his dropbox folder has a memory shortage and would delete the group files, resulting in deleted files in all the members' shared folder.
This has become an issue that Kris, our admin, tried looking for a new cloud drive, and finally ended up with Sugar Sync.
Sugar Sync is a free online storage service which stood out in a way that shared folders can only be edited with permission. This minimized the possibility of members unknowingly deleting files or sometimes, like what happened in dropbox, the entire folder
And we were perfectly happy with Sugar Sync.
Our library grew. Literally abot hanggang langit lol. It was book heaven!
Unfortunately, sweet times with Sugar Sync is coming to an end as it announced that on February 8 of next year,it will be transitioning to a paid-only service, with the free 5 GB plan as a casualty. Its paid plans start at $7.49 per month or $75 annually for a 60 GB storage.
And ang malupit is that we - the old users who are perfectly happy with the free plan - won't get to stay with the free plan. Your files have gotta go or you go back to Dropbox or some other free service.
You have an option to get the basic plan and avail of the 75% discount if you sign up by December 16.
But I already have a Dropbox Plan with around 110 GB of storage. So getting another one with Sugar Sync is out of the question.
However, I still mourn the Free Plan demise. I bet the Sugar Sync guys belabored over this decision and must have sleepless nights before coming up with this decision.
Because the truth is, going on a free ride has to end. But then, Sugar Sync should still have included the free plan option and hope that most of them will convert to a paid plan.
Saturday's A Killer
With the way I count the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds to Saturday, you would think something big is happening on Saturdays.
Something big is happening alright.
And for this Saturday, my biggie is LAUNDRY.
Yup, say that after me, Laundry.
Relatable ba, mga muthers?
I always try to be efficient with my laundry. I try to do a pile one weekday so I won't be stuck with a big pile on Saturday so I would have more mall time to waste money that I should be investing (hehe).
Besides, I have my reliable Electrolux Fully Automatic EWT704.
It is one of my most-loved appliances.
And I would never do anything to hurt her.
Just tire her.
Because she delivers.
Imagine, you can finish a big pile without breaking into a sweat! So unlike all the mommies I know who have those twin-tub washing machines and still make kusot.
With my Electrolux EWT 704, I can finish a book! And watch television! And cook! All at the same time.
It took multi-tasking to an entirely new level.
Okay. Done professing my love with my washing machine.
The problem with this day is that one of our water tanks ran out of water. Yes. Tanke na lang siya. Hindi na water tank.
I guess that is our perennial problem here in Q-M Subdivision. For as long as I lived, we never had decent water supply.
I tried to live with twice a week water supply in 2 hours. If the water reaches us - kasi our house is on a higher level.
The Baguio Water District sucks. As. In.
So, anyway, the problem with this tank that ran out of water is that it is connected to my automatic washing machine.
Which means that if there is no sufficient water supply, my machine won't deliver.
I can't have water delivered to this tank too because no hose can't reach it.
Baguio Water District water lang ang pag-asa.
So, I did my laundry in the other washing machine na sem-automatic, meaning you turn a knob and it turns, but you have to watch the water tub because it won't automatically shut down. And it doesn't do the job for you from start to finish. You put water, soap, get rid of the water, fill it up, rinse. I can't imagine I have been doing this for years before I got my Electrolux.
And the problem is sira ang spinner nya.
So I have to rinse and make piga the water from the clothes, put them in my basket then run to where my autowashing machine is then set it to drain and spin.
So I must probably have carried tons today.
Meaning no Jillian for me today.
Just Lotus smooth Biscuit Butter (dahil mahal ang Spekuloos) and my wet clothes.
Plus, I had to throw in 5 pieces of denims in the dryer, because with the weather being foggy and all, there is no way they would be dry tomorrow. We have to leave early tomorrow for Nicole's Family Day!
And oh, let me tell you about my dryer...my second love din...hehe
Next time!
Till then!
Wednesday! Malapit na ang Friday!
I saw on old - as in OOOLLLDDD - friend today at SM City Baguio. I didn't even plan on going to SM because the sight of stuff on sale makes me gooo craaazzyy ! (I actually do a mental twerking when I find something really good - and it is on sale), but I promised Nicole that I will get her these:
O. K. Back to my OOOLLLDDD friend. She is literally old - older than my mom or dad. She is around 85 years old. She used to be a high school teacher in the '70s (so obviously she was not my teacher since I was maliit pa noon), went to the US and came back home here in Baguio as a real estate broker.
She may be old, but she has really good PR and is good at selling, that is why I met her. I helped her process papers for transfers of titles of properties she sold. And small world ha, because she knew my mom. My mom worked at the Baguio City Treasurer's Office's Real Property Tax Section. (I met her after my mom passed away, though.) and she swore she was a good, good friend.
Anyway, she reminded me of my grandma - a strict but sweet lady...
Anyway, I was on my way to the National Bookstore at SM when I saw her (after two years) walking ever so slowly with this 3-legged walking cane.
I rushed to her, so happy to see her and hugged her tight.
She was happy to see me, too, saying I looked good with the usual "Tumaba ka" (which everybody I know who has not seen me for a long time always says. Anobeh!).
Turned out she just returned from Tallahassee where she stayed for nine months. Her son-in-law died of stomach cancer. He was just around 50 and did not even know he had cancer until it was sobrang malignant na. He was a doctor.
Which made me so scared ha. Every now and then (as in every minute, every second of the day), hospital scenes of what happened to my dad haunt me. Between me and my brother, I have seen my dad in his bad days. Three times I have seen him near death and survived. Until the fourth when I whispered to him to "Go to Mama." A lot of times, I hate myself for not being with him more in the hospital. My brother, who had to go on leave from his work in Manila, would stay there the whole time, even sleeping in the car, to be near Papa. But Papa chose to show his suffering to me. He always appeared strong everytime he is around my Kuya.
So, anyway, my hurt would be for another topic. Back to Mrs. F.
She was looking disoriented, because she has been away for nine months. She was to meet a couple who are asking her to broker for a property (bongga di ba. )at Max's. I walked with her, ever so slowly (she told me her three toes on her left feet are painful). She drove to SM, by the way ha! Galing. When I grow old, I want to be as clear-minded as she is (but I sure don't want walking with a cane though). She chose to go through the escalator, e fourth floor kaya yun. She appeared tired once we reached Max, but happy because we caught up with each other.
And when we separated, I felt sad. Lately, older people in my life are leaving....
On Page Views
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Since this is a personal blog by moi, I don't really expect page views. I might work on it in the future (like in a century?), but for now, I will just fill it up with my thoughts and rants.
So, anyway, I was checking on my page views awhile ago and as usual, it is super kaunti, wala sa kalingkingan and bukong bukong ng mommy blog ko wherein I get around 900 to 1,500 page views a day or even the low page views of my other blog which gets lesser page views - around 10% only of my mom blog (90-200), but this "other" blog with lesser page views get more opps. I probably earn more from this than the other one with more page views.
So, anyway, aside from Ms Aileen of http://www.iheartgoodhealth.com/ and http://www.aileen-a.com/ and the occasional visits from other blogger friends like Louise of Mommy Practicality and from Beach Body and other workout companies, I saw a website that sounded new-something about "our meets". O, di ba, parang facebook or myspace.
I clicked it and holy moly, porn site. Napamura ako(quietly) and I had to point my mouse to X para mag-exit agad.
Nakakahiya kaya, eh nasa office kaya ako pretending to work! (Down time lang naman...Don't judge me hehe)
Buti na lang naka-mute ang sound.
Then I started to worry.
Baka may virus.
(By the way, computer virus means VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCES UNDER SIEGE. Yup, it is an acronym. (I like to think this blog is sort of educating you, like yesterday, you just learned crabs and spiders belong to the same phyllum. Hehe)
So, anyway, I had to turn off chrome, run on my anti-virus program and ccleaner.
Hopefully, hindi makamandag ang site na yun (just gross)...
Monday's A Killer!
Okay. I am biased. There is nothing wrong with Monday.
I just hate Mondays!
He he.
I watched Catching Fire last Saturday and it was great! It was a lot bigger, a lot longer, with more movie magic. Halatang ginastusan compared to the first one. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss was perfect. Many times I felt how she feels in the movie I sort of cried.
The guy who played Finnick was not exactly how I imagined Finnick to look like. Nicole insisted he is gorgeous daw. Oh, well. Teens do have different perspective on how guys should look like.
I felt Katniss soo much that after the movie, I felt an intense need to...
I ate carrot cake and Jollibee palabok. So you guys know, I normally don't eat carrot cakes and Jollibee palabok. Ang sarap pala! Shoots!
After several hours, I broke into rashes.
I am allergic kasi to shrimps, patis, anything malansa (We have no bagoong in our cupboard and I try to convince myself that crabs and that yummy alimango share the same phylum (? Tama ba?) as spiders. They are arthropods! So, if you eat these yummy sea creatures, you are like eating spiders. Ewww!
Except this time. Weakness ko talaga ang shrimps...
Weakness din ng skin ko.
I hate taking in allergy meds pa naman.
They turn me into a semi-zombie.
Not that flesh-eating kind of zombie.
A blank, clueless, drugged zombie.
Ang nakakainis, para nang walang effect sa akin.
My rashes, as I write this very minute, are still around, looking angry and itchy!
My meds just made me sleepy.
This entire Monday!
Heck, I was yawning while doing those plank jacks of Jillian in Level 2.
Pero in fairness ha, super hirap ng Level 2.
I can't sustain the cardio in her first circuit. I don't know what it is called but it looks like burpees except that you don't get up. You are constantly on a plank position jumping back front, back front (I can't describe it really well, but I will consult Mr. Google later on how it is called.)
This is my second time to do Level 2.
I know.
Don't look at me that way.
This should have been my fifth.
Sorry. Tao lang. I missed my Friday, my Saturday, and my Sunday workout.
Tamad mode lang hehe.
(And so sick na kasi of Jillian's talk and her eyebrows. Seriously. Hehe)
You know what I did instead.
Carbo loading lang naman.
Promise, will be better na this week.
The carbs must be worsening my skin allergy too.
What Is My Strength?
O.M.G. Hooly Mooly, My Gulay, is Maria Kang talking about me???
"Friendly Reminder to EAT!!!! Most people who struggle with their weight (including myself) struggle with eating vs. not eating because let's face it - when you're busy, you forget to eat - and when you do, you eat a lot of the wrong things. Most people forfeit breakfast and sometimes lunch and eat large, dinners and unhealthy snacks. While fasting and eating one large portion at night works for some, it doesn't work for most.
Force yourself to eat to instill daily habits with your body and mind. There is so much TRUST required in this fitness journey. Your body needs to know that you love it, that you will feed it and that you will nurture it through movement and sleep. It's 10:30am in my world, wherever you are, make it a point to honor your body by nurturing it with healthy foods every 2-3 hours."
Maria Kang
As you probably remember, I have been rambling about how I work out - sort of hard - for an hour, practically everyday, and totally forget what I have been working out hard for come early evening because I so so need to just put something (more like stuff something hehe) in my mouth.
And this does not seem to work for me.
What worked for me in the recent years was to not eat a bite at night.
Another thing that worked? My South Beach Diet meals by Hotel Veniz.
I am banking on my strength - which I have soo little of...
To plan and prepare my meals.
And eat super kaunti.
Para naman may big reveal in a couple of months hehe.
And para naman may other blog about being fit, fabulous and forty would be believable (it has no entry yet, but it is up for sale - not - just kidding).
But, I have been good with my workouts people!
Today is my last day for Level 1 of the 30-Day Shred.
And I have been able to sustain my poses in Yoga Meltdown (I plan to do this until I finish the entire 30 Day Shred. I still have to perfect the side planks!).
I will take a rest day for tomorrow (office thing...)
Then go on to Level 2.
The reason why I am sort of avoiding Level 2 and have to psyche myself into starting it is that...
Level 2 is such a killer!
In my previous encounters (make it three years ago) with Jillian, I never ever finished Level 2.
Because it is hard!
It has burpees!
And Skaters!
And Mountain Climbers!
Will I still have the strength to do Yoga Meltdown?
On Working and Pigging Out
So, I guess by now, you know that I have a problem.
Big. Time.
By now, you know that I work out even if it kills me.
Yep, I endure Jillian Michaels and Jillian Michaels (kasi nga I do two of her workouts back to back - 30 Day Shred and Yoga Meltdown) for one hour.
And you know how everyone is sooo annoooyed with her prattle.
Did you notice it?
She talks a lot.
She talks about doing a circuit really hard you are going to die.
She talks about 250 pound people doing jumping jacks which totally spells out your wish of a modification.
She talks about misguided notions about "just take the stairs...THAT IS A FALSE MESSAGE OF LETHARGY THAT WON'T DO YOU ANY FAVORS. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF WORKING OUT ETC ETC." ( I was like huffing and puffing and screaming shut up already!)
By the way, my false sense of lethargy (I need to eat to not sleep lol) is this:
Only because I don't have Speculoos Cookie butter anymore and they have Lotus caramelized crunchy peanut butter at SM. Bonggadels for my belly fat, di ba?
Which brings me to why I don't seem to lose some weight...
Aside from the way I mentally go against Jillian Michael's tirade of "You are capable of working out, you are capable of working out hard..." since I have been going against anything an authority figure will tell me,
I get sooo sooo hungry during dinner time.
That is the time I want to eat some carbo, or eat two servings of what I cooked (ang sarap ba naman kasi magluto ni muther kasi - that's me ehem)
as a compensation for what I haven't eaten the whole day.
Deprived lang naman kasi ang peg ko from breakfast to mid afternoon.
During those times, I have an appetite of a bird.
I just eat breakfast to do my daily morning ritual (with the help of Chia Seeds, which helps a lot when it comes to bringing it all out. As to how it helps in having more energy, I still have to find out - and I have been taking it for like a half year already!).
Then I eat a little breakfast (a little lang naman) at the office just because...
(twice ka naman pala nagbebreakfast...not always naman and konting konti lang hihi)
Then my lunch is super konti (konti lang kasi ang you know).
Then I do Jillian's 30 Day Shred and Yoga Meltdown for one hour.
Then I eat my "kambing food" - lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper and dressing na kaunting kaunti.
Then I do some blog stuff or some work. Depende on my deadlines.
Then I cook dinner.
And that's when everything in my self-control explodes.
Ang sarap sarap ko kasing magluto, pwamis.
And that is not because I need to finish everything para walang tira-tira.
Kasi bawal yun.
Malas daw.
Gutom lang ako.
Everything seems sooo good.
Kaya nga, maybe I should try putting my food in containers like what I had from Hotel Veniz' South Beach Diet.
Katamad nga lang.
So, anyway, these are my thoughts.
Sorry paikot-ikot.
See you tomorrow!
Randomness Galore
No major thing...Just chilling out trying to write something on this white page while watching Honesto.
Speaking of - totally random again - Paulo Avelino went to UB Science High School, where Paula went to. Anyway, for him to get in there, he must be smarter than ordinary kids, because they have a really tough entrance exam there.
So, anyway, no exercise talk for today because I didn't do any kind of workout today.
Just made this my rest day because I have to stay and hang out in the office the whole day.
And get extremely hungry after five that I totaled the banana and camote chips in the car!
So obviously, I really need help in the "Diet" department because all my resolve is not working when I taste something good, or I get extremely hungry, or I get bored.
And just thinking of dieting makes me want to taste food! Arrgh!!
Hey! (The Day I Did Yoga Meltdown and Other Thoughts)
This will be totally random, because my mind is not too organized for a personal blog post. I am doing this exercise just to keep up with my commitment to write something everyday.
Which is really tough, ha. There are so many things I want to write - things people do to other people and my take on it - parang fashion pulis - but this blog is just too public haha. I don't want people wanting to throw kamatis at me and besides, everyone has his own dirty laundry - and everyone wants it hidden.
And the annoying thing is that every time I hit the publish button, it gets automatically shared! That is an option I chose with my two other blogs kaya I can't keep changing it here when I post.
So, anyway, sabi ko, The Day I Did Yoga Meltdown.
That was the title of a post I made last Monday - which obviously I did not finish.
It is supposed to be The Third Day I Tried Yoga Meltdown and Failed.
Pero grade me naman MO (Moderately Observed daw sa card ni Nicole but the Vince says Most Outstanding because Adrian can be so condescending sometimes- "Ate Nicole keeps getting low grades because she's lazy").
Because I twisted and stretched my body like crazy and kept up with Jillian the best that I can.
Yoga ba naman daw kasi yun?
E it was so fast,
And ang bilis ng canned music (Love ko all of Jillian's workouts but her music really sucks.)
And it was so hard keeping up with it because she goes - "chataranga, updog, down dog, one foot front..." Parang drill master lang naman ang peg! I was so used with yoga and the ujjayi breath I wondered if the yogi masters will kill Jillian Michaels for making yoga this fast!
Plus, I can't even see what Jillian and her girls are doing kasi nga naman I am doing planks and downdogs. My form must be really bad.
Anyway, I love to kill myself. I will be doing this everyday. Along with the 30-Day Shred.
Sabi ko naman eh, I am so good with workouts.
And sabi ko rin naman na I don't look like I work out.
On Wavering Yet Again
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A photo by Stoonn via freedigitalphotos.net |
Para nang sirang plaka ang mga goals ko dito.
I swear to diet...
and I don't.
I swear to work out...
and I do naman...
I have gone back to Jillian's 30 Day Shred after months in the treadmill.
Not that I detest my treadmill ha.
I actually love my treadmill. My treadmill is located at the uppermost floor in our house overlooking the street. I love walking and running (more of walking hehe) while watching the kapitbahays do tsismis, or take their kids to school, or see people running when it starts drizzling, or not seeing anything (I have seen one amazing scene during one treadmill session. Our place was blanketed in fog I swear I can't see beyond the window! (I kid not! I am going to look for a picture that I took to prove it.
So, anyway, I miss my treadmill, but I think only my legs are getting a workout.
And with the way I do it, you would expect me to slim down.
Epic fail talaga.
Because for every 30 minute session I do, I eat food equivalent to a one day session!
So to tweak it a little bit, I decided to bring Jillian back to my life again.
Except that the first time I tried it, on the first week of October, I got sick.
I lost my voice and I had a severe upper respiratory infection that lasted till the week after my birthday (first week of November).
O, di ba? It seems like the universe is conspiring for me not to get slim!
I was back on Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred a week ago, with a firm resolve to complete it without skipping a session, but I missed three! I had a seminar on Friday (about Code of Conduct,etc, but it was a fun seminar.) and my brother came home with Khalil last Saturday.
I went back to my workout yesterday, and included Yoga Meltdown. I actually liked Yoga Meltdown. It is so different from other Yoga workouts. I bet gigil na gigil ang mga yoga masters at Jillian, because she totally turned it around! I will talk about it later.
So, workout is doing great (except that I can't do side planks!), but the eating part is not!
I have a terrible habit of "Ooh, I cooked dinner! I just have to taste it!" And yung taste turns into lamon. Alam mo yun, parang wow, ang galing kong magluto. And feel ko malulugi ako if I don't taste it and get two servings! Tomaa! I need to get a second serving!
And that is what is totally ruining my goal.
Which is making me decide to check in here everyday.
And see if my journey will lead me to the right path...
The path to good health and ...
being a diyosa!
Tingan natin!
Hello, Dot Com!
Hello, DotCom!
Today, or a few hours ago, I am officially www.marieunwired.com.
I have been thinking of getting more domains a few months ago, because seriously, my mind constantly runs with stuff I should (but never hehe) write, and of course, I was thinking of increasing my online opps.
I didn't know why I, after having second thoughts on actually getting a custom domain, finally decided to get one.
Nope. I actually got two.
See, I have been thinking of writing about being forty plus, so I made this blogspot blog named "Fit, Fab and Forty".
Sadly, it has no entry yet. In my inner mind, I must be protesting that I am even around forty!
But I was thinking it would make for great SEO. (Probably. I don't even know how to optimize my site. lol)
Anyway, I have been checking godaddy for the availability of the domain for weeks.
I don't know why I finally got serious awhile ago and actually decided to get that domain.
But something must be pushing me to register it because it only cost me around 3 dollars.
Seriously. Godaddy is having a promo!
Which made me decide to register this, too.
So, that makes two domains at around six dollars.
Laking savings, di ba?
Hope I can make these blogs grow like my first one.
I registered this last, actually, because I cannot seriously think of a rockin', SEO-rich name.
But since this started out as a personal blog anyway, with my old Live Journal posts taking their home here, I decided to just name it www.marieunwired.com.
Seriously, I sort of act unwired. lol.
I did hear a popular mommy blogger talking about branding. And since, I started with unwired, must as well name this one unwired.
Anyway, this will remain as a "my thoughts, unadulterated" blog.
That is, if I do get time to fill it out.
As for the other blog,
Good luck na lang sa akin hehe.
By the way, I should have made a Taxation blog, because it gets plenty of hits.
Hmm, I will think about it.
But in the meantime, that topic will belong to Mommy Unwired.
Diet is Die with a T
Okay, so redundant na yung kauulit ng kapopost ng I will diet, because I have been saying that the whole year (almost the whole year. last quarter na kaya.) Hina ng willpower ko, mga ateng. I think I have tons of issues , first and foremost, money issues? hehehe
About a year ago, ang lola nyo was into south beach diet. Seriously. Sosyal. I got sponsored by Sir Mike of Sunshine and Veniz Hotel. Ang saya cuz I got to eat sosyal na hotel food while losing weight. You should see what I had for SBD. Purely heavenly sosyal food. (although sometimes, peg ko lang ang kambing. Feeling ko I will go "mee" for eating a ton of damo (lettuce, french beans, etc.). I was practically eating the whole day (actually every two hours) and I was losing weight! And ang dessert ha? Heavenly! I don't know how something sinful can make you lose weight.
Sadly, I am twenty pounds heavier than I was a year ago. Daming stress. Papa passed away. Kapos sa pera. Ang daming bayarin. Ang daming pagkain. Ang sarap ng karne. Alam mo yun? Happy ang lola mo, go eat siya. Sad siya. The same, mas matindi nga lang ang kanyang paglafang.
So, anyway, seryosohan na itich and don't look at me that way. Gusto kong seryosohin din ako. Tiwala lang. Kaya, watch out, November 2. Ang owner ng blog na ito ay magiging isang diyosa!
Still On A Rampage
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I have been running for 3 km four to five days a week.
But nothing changed.
I saw pics of myself at the new annex building's inauguration and heck,
Not that my vow not to eat carbs helped.
Because I always end up eating carbs anyway.
I need a change.
And I think my age is not helping. I am in that age where my metabolism is that of a turtle's.
And the warm season is not helping either. It is sooo sooo darn warm I hate sweating. I would slather Driclor all over my face if I could!
And I always dream of sleep, too...
Hayyy...and I need to make a review pa naman of that Revolt website.
I have always talked about accountability, but I need the resolution, the accountability to be hammered inside my cupcake-dreaming brain!
So from now on, I am gonna make an update.
Not an update on how I failed, but on how I lost.
Target Date to be fab-May 18, 2013.
Watch out!
On A Rampage!
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“I eat cupcakes and I don’t work out!” claims Blake Lively
I wish I can claim that as well, but I am on a rampage. I can eat anything on site, and I am having incredible cravings for something moist and sweet. Dear God, I need my sugar fix.
I think it has something to do with what I read- "Delayed Gratification". Which I should practice starting this Holy Week. Which had the opposite effect on me.
My "ten on ten" still needs fulfillment and any mind over matter thing that I should be practicing is so not happening!
I am sooo worried! I will be turning into a blimp if I don't stop!
New Year's Resolution!
I have lots of New Year's Resolutions. Which I try to do every year. And lasts for umm, two weeks?
Here' one that I failed- run from 3 to 4 k everyday. Here is another one! Lose ten pounds by February 10 (My supposedly 10 on 10). And another one! Re-do my South Beach Diet!
I was alarmed that I gained back the ten pounds I lost last September instead of losing another ten. I know. I fell in love with carbs again. They seem to be my downfall. And I have stopped my treadmill for like two weeks?
So, since it is technically New Year, for the Chinese anyway, I am now declaring my New New Year's Resolution (one of the many but the only one I will talk about here or maybe on another blog if I get the chance. Don't worry. I will link posts) fearless and clueless (lol), that I am embarking on another weight loss program. Mommies in the Philippine blogosphere call it "Balik-Alindog". and promising that by March 10, I will lose the ten pounds I gained. And this is going to be called:
"My Ten On Ten Part XX"
(i am so not sure how many times I made this promise hehe)
Pero, seryoso na ito. I will blog about it so I will be serious about it!
Little Baby Steps
I am taking little baby steps to healing and positivity. It is tough, I know, but I am receiving little signs. For somebody who does not and totally scoffs at signs, this is one pretty remarkable step. Just last week, I told you about reading "The Secret". I finished reading it last Sunday, I think, and it gave me good healthy doses on positivity. Then, Andy just happened to text me last week and met up with us Friday evening. He has changed a lot, or maybe I dealt with him with a close mind before. He is brimming with positivity and it is very infectious. His presence probably helped me pick myself up and totally rediscover myself the way I was before I was friends with Halle Berry.
Let me tell you about Halle Berry. Pero pahapyaw lang, because she deserves chapters and if I were to talk about her, the negativity would rub off the positivity that I am slowly re-claiming. Being with her kept me off other people who probably thought I am like her. In fact, I believe I was becoming like her, and becoming like her is something that you will not probably be very proud of, because I certainly am not proud of myself when I become like her.
Just a month ago, I got a feeling of what I was when we were friends and it hit me bad, in full measure. During that incident when she was again going against the flow, I realized I was like that before. I joined her when she tries to go against anything! And it didn't sit well pala with other people. I might have come on as super annoying before. I cannot imagine myself hanging out with her for years and listening to her endless stories on how her ex-best friends supposedly hurt or betrayed her or how she cusses and makes fun of almost everybody. The negativity rubbed off on me, I swear. I was like her mini-me for years! I bet people who hated her must have hated me, too!
She still is that way, although she can't totally act out her meanness because nobody is supporting her meanness the way I did before. Her presence still annoys me. I can't believe I prayed for her to be my friend again when she continues to be mean!
I am so sorry I am writing about this, because I wrote an article about trying not to spread online bad vibes, but I can't help it. I have not included this blog at bc bloggers anymore, so that it would become sort of private, although I still have it on my sidebar, so anybody can see it. In fact, Halle Berry might see this if somebody would tell her. Although if this post goes viral, in our office anyway, I will know who brought it up, because, although my Mommy Unwired blog is popular (almost 24,000 hits in just five months o di ba! My aim is to have 24000 hits in 1 month, I wish hehe) and my Project:Me Only Better is getting sponsors (although ang baba pa rin ng views ko. I should think of a strategy to increase traffic), nobody in the office knows I blog. Kaya, if ever somebody stumbles on this and would try to inform Halle, bahala na, although I would know who.
So, anyway, enough of her because just thinking of her made me gloomy. Haist! I am thinking happy thoughts, happy thoughts lang!
Good night and I would probably write bukas about my little baby steps :)
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Let me tell you about Halle Berry. Pero pahapyaw lang, because she deserves chapters and if I were to talk about her, the negativity would rub off the positivity that I am slowly re-claiming. Being with her kept me off other people who probably thought I am like her. In fact, I believe I was becoming like her, and becoming like her is something that you will not probably be very proud of, because I certainly am not proud of myself when I become like her.
Just a month ago, I got a feeling of what I was when we were friends and it hit me bad, in full measure. During that incident when she was again going against the flow, I realized I was like that before. I joined her when she tries to go against anything! And it didn't sit well pala with other people. I might have come on as super annoying before. I cannot imagine myself hanging out with her for years and listening to her endless stories on how her ex-best friends supposedly hurt or betrayed her or how she cusses and makes fun of almost everybody. The negativity rubbed off on me, I swear. I was like her mini-me for years! I bet people who hated her must have hated me, too!
She still is that way, although she can't totally act out her meanness because nobody is supporting her meanness the way I did before. Her presence still annoys me. I can't believe I prayed for her to be my friend again when she continues to be mean!
I am so sorry I am writing about this, because I wrote an article about trying not to spread online bad vibes, but I can't help it. I have not included this blog at bc bloggers anymore, so that it would become sort of private, although I still have it on my sidebar, so anybody can see it. In fact, Halle Berry might see this if somebody would tell her. Although if this post goes viral, in our office anyway, I will know who brought it up, because, although my Mommy Unwired blog is popular (almost 24,000 hits in just five months o di ba! My aim is to have 24000 hits in 1 month, I wish hehe) and my Project:Me Only Better is getting sponsors (although ang baba pa rin ng views ko. I should think of a strategy to increase traffic), nobody in the office knows I blog. Kaya, if ever somebody stumbles on this and would try to inform Halle, bahala na, although I would know who.
So, anyway, enough of her because just thinking of her made me gloomy. Haist! I am thinking happy thoughts, happy thoughts lang!
Good night and I would probably write bukas about my little baby steps :)
So Cold in Baguio!
Temperature has been hovering between 10 to 13 degrees Celsius for three days now and all I can ever think about is watch feel-good films (which I did, yesterday, with The Switch and Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Rodrick Rules) while on bed with thick blankets swaddling me. Kaloka. All.I.Can.Think.Of. is FOOD!. I should be running, I know, but the weather is perfect for hot choco and siopao (which I am eating later after my second lunch hihi)! Bummer this cold weather putting a damper on all my good intentions hehe.
I am reading "The Secret", by the way, which is in my Kindle for over a year now, unread, until this month, of course. Sarap mangwindang ng book na ito. It makes me believe I can win the lotto, lose weight without dieting, get everything I wish for. Come to think of it, all of the things (way before I harbored negative vibes which I am slowly ridding of)I thought I can do, happened, just because I thought it would. Case in point: I told my cousins I am lucky in the scratch sweepstakes and true, I kept winning. I believed I am lucky in exams and easily pass and top them even if I don't really study, and I do. Tama nga yata yung motto ng mga bagets ngayon:"Tiwala". And, I am starting that, too. Of course, I have to go a long way to regaining my trust in myself, especially since I am not really really happy with my work situation and I am full of negative energy. Oh, you wouldn't believe how much negativity there is in there. I swear, it can power an atom bomb haha. And oy, don't just think office lang ito, because we are talking here about an agency related to money. I have read in Girl Talk how disgusted they were with the g.a.s they worked with. Well, try mine, since it is the premiere g.a. that is zeroed in when it comes to the big C! Honestly. Friendship is disregarded (I can make a strong point with this) and ended, just because of plain greed. I would love to say I want out, but I would like a nice fallback first, because I do need a steady job with pay that would provide for my needs and wants. Which is why, tada, I am winning the lotto. Positivity lang yan pare! Once the universe realizes (and it is starting to, believe me) that I can do better things outside my agency (and it would be better for my heart and soul, too), it would give me a fallback so fulfilling I won't even think twice of leaving.
I would love this to be my mantra. Sometimes, I think all the good intentions and mantras like this are pang-rich lang, because they have all the means to wear their passion. Heck, I can't even travel, because my finances are going down (which will go up, of course, positivity hehe).
I still have to find and wear my passion, because everyday, my passion is slowly being overtaken by jadedness. Jaded at what I witness in the office. Too much selfishness that I see in the office is totally chipping in my soul. How can you explain a person you consider to be a good friend to go against you? For no reason? And take all opportunities that should be equally shared between you guys for herself (and her partner in crime)? Just because she wants to put one over you. And just because she wants all the money. And how can you explain her supposed partner-in-crime talking about a promotion and how he can easily get it if "gagapangin" (that's his word) nya. And how can you explain a very good boss who provides for his staff, but some of his staff will withhold things for themselves? And how can you explain to your child that there is no juice to drink in an outing because these special people hid it? Kaloka lang.There are varying degrees of greed, but they are still plain greed.
Sorry, just need to vent. I would love to think of happy things, I really do.
I had a fun day with a seminar we had with Sir Mike's group last November. I chose to talk about my passion. I mentioned about my family being my passion, which is true. Especially my love, Adrian haha. But my other passion which I recently discovered is blogging. I remember years back looking for online diary sites where I can write and that is why I have Live Journal. I never realized you can share your innermost thoughts and people will read and they can become your online friends. Plus, I can't believe you can earn pala. Once I have my dream 48 hours a day (kailan kaya yun), I will discover all the secrets and make a living out of writing haha.
I included this blog once at the BC Bloggers Comment Exchange, but I want this to be private pala (although it is still available publicly haha).
Wishing to Be Shredded!
Officially, supposedly, my journey to being SHREDDED slash RIPPED would have b
So, there I was, slaving myself at the treadmill, a veteran of Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred Level 1 (I seem to be stuck at Level 1. Been doing it off and on since November), proclaiming (to myself lang naman shhh...) that I would be officially shredded, pounds off, no ifs,no buts, on the second week of March (I know I have saved the date somewhere on my cellphone). But then, as always when I try committing to something (generally committing to working out), some things come up, like, you know, New Year's Eve leftovers, books to read, movies to watch, that I had to put off, day after every single day my "shredded" dream.
So, today, uh, tomorrow, on Sunday, January 6, 2013, I will be re-starting my 4 K treadmill run again and alternate it with Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" with the intense hope that I can live by protein and not by bread alone (WHA!). Maybe, I will get a sense of accountability to myself if I start to document how badly I am doing (another WHA in Miriam Defensor's voice).
I will be writing about Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" later, which is so last, last season by the way, (this was released 2008). It is my fave workout video among all others she has released though because it is the easiest (although I won't say it is easy, because she did say in this video -"by now, your heart is thumping, you feel like you are going to die..." Come on, she is tough! She is one of The Biggest Loser's trainors!), and I love doing burpees!
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