New and Improved You!



“You look so young.”

I so love to hear these words.

Who does not?

And I will go to great (and yes, sometimes stupid and expensive) lengths to prove that I look young.
But at a certain point, maybe we should stop and ask ourselves: Is it really eternal youth that we should be pursuing?

In the battle against aging skin, everyone wants to know.

What really works?

After all, with the sheer number of lasers, injectables, serums and peels available these days – all claiming to turn back the clock – it’s hard to know which one is best.

Of course, you will age.  Everyone does.

However, there is more and more you can do to slow the clock – practically on all parts of the face and body and for all types of skin.  Scientific breakthroughs are being made which will not just slow down, but reverse the effects of aging.

In the meantime, most of us, although willing to go to great extent to slow down the aging process, are totally averse to surgical procedures.   We want to look like ourselves, and not a cartoon of ourselves, as the years go by.

Fortunately, Dublin Vitality Center is offering a very unique 3-step process to younger skin, guaranteeing an improved, rejuvenated, younger,  glowing skin in eight weeks.

The treatment is a potent combination of three powerful skin revitalization procedures

As we age, our skin surface gets attacked by the elements – like the sun, dirt and pollution – resulting to the hardening of the upper dermis.  Eventually, the skin will look dull, aging and with dark spots. 

STEP 1 is Diamond microdermabrasion.  This removes the dull surface, polishing the skin and clearing it of dirt, resulting to a glowing, rejuvenated skin.  Used in successive sessions, microdermabrasion may treat light scarring, dark spots and sun-damaged skin.

STEP 2 is Mesotherapy or Skin Needling.  This is used to stimulate skin cells which have otherwise failed to multiply because of the scar tissue to grow, forming new tissue layers of collagen and elastin.  Dermatude is different from a Derma roller in the way that it is controlled by a machine, thereby regulating the needle rolling and preventing any possible damage that a hand-held device can inflict.  This device will gently press into the upper dermis, stimulating the skin to literally wake up!
Have you ever seen a Derma Roller?  This is a hand-held cylindrical shaped device with very fine needles around the cylinder.  This is used to break down old scar tissue, stimulating skin cells which have otherwise failed to multiply because of the scar tissue to grow, forming new tissue layers of collagen and elastin.

STEP 3 is Diathermy.  Diathermy treats these unsightly facial thread veins.  Aside from the dark spots, skin can also be marred by tiny, broken veins around the nose and cheeks called thread or spider veins which can make us look older than our years.

These are non-surgical procedures that work synergistically without the frozen features, unbelievable tautness and the absence of facial lines that surgical procedures may bring.  Instead, they bring you to an entire new level of age maintenance and acceptance.  It is finding the age which you are happiest with the way you look and doing your share of trying to slow down – not to reverse or stop altogether – the aging process.
