Self-Esteem and You


I always talk about confidence all the time, especially to my kids.  My son's School Head told me he has loads of confidence, which makes him better equipped to face challenges in the future.

Some people say expensive clothes make them feel confident.  Some gals need little pampering and pedicure so they can walk tall and proud.  Others get a confidence boost whenever they do well in an exam or their photos using cellular cameras for trails win in the photo contest.  That's cool and you should feel totally good about yourself for all the ways you are becoming a better person every day.

But self-esteem doesn't need to be dressed up or prettied up.  It doesn't depend on your mood or the sitiuation.  It is about loving yourself first in the morning before you've brushed your teeth or wiped the gunk from your eyes, not because of what you can put on, achieve or work hard for during the day but because of who you are - plain and simple And I don't mean because you've got great hair or you are a great dancer or any of the other bit and pieces about you that make you a great person or a good dresser or a wonderful friend or daughter, but just because you are an amazing creation no matter what  - all your flaws and fabulousness combined.
