I know you would love to have your finger wear one of those Joy Jewelers college rings…
But wait, before you do, you literally have to sweat blood and tears to hurdle the challenges before you graduate, like the project that you were assigned to do a month ago.
If you have no clue on how to make your school project, here are some tips:
Read magazines and books, watch documentaries and visit websites to get an idea of what kind of project you want to do.
If in a group, divide the work among yourselves equally.
Plan a timeline. Agree on a schedule and do check-ups within the time provided so that you know everyone is doing their work.
List down all the ideas that you or your group have about the chosen topic. Think of a topic that interests you/
Come up with creative ways to execute a project. Instead of a simple paper, why not make a pop-up book?
Before submitting the project, go through it one last time to make sure it’s complete.