The most amazing, all around household cleaners are probably lurking in your kitchen, and the best part about them is that they are all affordable.
Baking soda, lemons, vinegar, even the humble salt can all be used to disinfect your bathroom, make laundry fresh, and keep candles from dripping!
Another plus – they are mostly earth-friendly too!
Stash lemon peels in your kitchen corners to keep insects away. You can also pour the juice down sink drains to repel cockroaches
Place dried lemon rind into small mesh sachets and tuck into the corners of your closets. These will ward off silverfish and are a fragrant replacement for mothballs.
Get a fresh wash on your next load – pour in half a cup of lemon juice into your washing machine along with your laundry detergent. Lemons have natural bleaching properties and will leave your laundry smelling citrussy!
Baking soda
Goodbye, stinky ref! Leave an open box of baking soda inside your refrigerator to help neutralize funky food smell.
Flush a cup or more of baking soda down your toilet bowl once a month to clean out the pipelines leading to the sewers.
Get rid of the rings around your coffeepot by mixing a solution of a spoonful of baking soda in water and leave it to soak in your pot overnight. Rinse the next day.
Get silverware shiny by mixing three parts baking soda with one part warm water. Rub mixture onto each piece then rinse with warm water. Dry with a soft cloth.
Make an all-purpose cleaning solution. Mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of water in a pail. Use this to clean non-porous surfaces like sinks, tiles and countertops.
Restore the shape of a kitchen sponge that has seen better days by soaking it in cold saltwater after washing.
Create no-drip candles. Soak new candles in a strong salt-and-water solution. Dry completely with a cloth.
Nix the toxic glass cleaner – add a bit of vinegar and water, pour into a sprayer, spritz on dirty windows and wipe off with newspaper.
Got an expensive block of cheese that threatens to go bad? Soak a clean cloth in vinegar, wrap the piece of cheese, and place in a sealed container.
Bid the nasty germs goodbye by disinfecting cutting boards after working with raw meat with a solution of vinegar and water.