One of my anik-aniks:
I tend to worry and get bothered about a lot of things, like a blogger commenting on a post I made about expanding your means instead of living within your means. I knew she was entitled to her own opinion, although I did notice that she tend to dish out her opinion all over. But it does not bother me anymore. And why should I be? I am reminded about a story T. Harv Ecker of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind shared. A finance guy was asking about his financial statements. T. Harv Ecker was like, “you give me your financial statements” because he sure wouldn’t like somebody with messed-up financial statements to take care of his finances. So my take is I shouldn’t be bothered by her, because I understand finance, I breathe finance, I could interpret numbers and tell if a business is losing or not. I could tell if she is really earning or not, t00. So there.
So one bad thought chucked out . I am now pointing my mood compass to happiness as my mind theater is currently playing with me and my girls fiddling with our Squier Stratocasters.
And I realized one thing: POSITIVITY starts with ME!